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Top v SEO Optimized & AdSense Friendly Templates Responsive Blogger


Best SEO & AdSense Optimized Blogger Template: Blogger is 1 of the most pop too biggest platform for blogging. Search Engine Optimized template, Today I made the listing of top v responsive blogger templates which are SEO Optimized, Highly User-friendly too also AdSense ready. Try these SEO optimized template to larn amend ranking.

Top v SEO Optimized & AdSense Friendly Templates:

#1. ATB Responsive Seo Template Blogger


ATB Blogger Template is Most Responsive too Advanced SEO Optimized Blogger template. This template is made/customized/designed too used yesteryear Imran Uddin on his weblog AllTechBuzz when his weblog was Blogger Platform. ATB blogger template doesn’t comprise whatever encrypted script within it so, yous are costless to edit whatever elements of this template. Some awesome features of ATB SEO Optimized Template are:
Stylish Heading Tags
2 Column Responsive Template
Full SEO Optimized
Sticky Post
Auto AltTitle Tag Generator Integrated
Responsive Related Posts Widget
four Column Stylish Footer
Fully Responsive Designed too more.

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#2 Sensational Blogger Template: Responsive


Sensational Blogger Template, an ultra responsive 2 column blogger template is professionally designed too Search Engine Optimized yesteryear Chandeep from Blogtipsntricks. It has ii navigation bill of fare bar (one is fashionable vertical too about other is floating horizontal bill of fare bar) too purely groovy & build clean template adopted from WordPress amongst exceptional SEO configuration. So, a blogger tin larn lots of visitor amongst this template too its chief features are:
Ultra Responsive Template
2 Navigation Menu
Highly SEO Optimized
four Column Footer Widget
Purely Neat & Clean Designed
Responsive Popular Post Widget
Faster loading too more.

#3 Apriezt Responsive Template – Cool Blogger Theme


Apriezt is highly User-Friendly blogger template amongst responsive layout too ii styles (Full width too Boxed). It’s blueprint is simple, groovy & build clean too is the perfect template for News, Magazine or portfolio blog. Apriezt Blogger Template has likewise many awesome features:
100% Responsive
Widget yesteryear Labels amongst 15+ styles
View Mode List too Grid on Latest Post width Cookies
RTL Support
Page Navigation back upwards Ajax Effect
Load More Post back upwards Ajax Effect
v Styles Featured Post
2 Styles Slider too Carousel
Dropdown Menu
v Styles Mega Menu
four Comment System (Blogger, Facebook, Disqus, Spot.IM)
Blogger Comment amongst Emoticon
Newsticker Widget
Support Print CSS too permit visitors portion articles email
Search using blogger JSON or Google Custom Search Engine
Allow visitor growth / decrease text size on post too automobile call upwards for future.
Recent Post Widget
three Style Related Post Widget
Recommended Widget
Recent Comment Widget
Social Icon (Top Menu too Sidebar)
Support Sticky Menu too Sidebar
Custom Error 404 Page
Google AdSense too other Ads ready
Compatible amongst major browsers (IE8+,Mozilla,Chrome,Safari)
Professional admin layout, assistance yous tardily run amongst weblog layout.
Support Advance Editor: upload background images, modify background color, cardinal colors, fonts
too More.

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#4 Bresponsive Blogger Template 2017


Bresponsive costless Responisve Blogger Template
Bresponsive is AdSense too SEO friendly, professionally designed premium blogger template for blogger weblog looks similar wordpress theme. It is fully responsive, clean, smoothen too having many features:
Fully Responsive
Horizontal navigation menu
AdSense optimized
Related Post box below every post
Advanced Tweeks Widget
Ads supported inwards Header too Footer
Social Icons Widget
Customized similar WordPress theme
SEO Optimized too more.

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#5 Skill Blogger Template – Professional Looking Theme


Skill Blogger Template is fully SEO optimized, professional person looking too faster loading template for blogger blogs. It is suitable for all niche blogs too mainly suitable for Tech blogs. Skill is awesome template which gives skillful sense too impression to the weblog visitors. Lots of inbuilt features attached amongst this template so, yous don’t take away to lead maintain whatever types of tension virtually it. Main features of Skill Blogger Template:
100% User Friendly
Subscribe Box With About Widget
Search Engine Optimized
Customized Commenting System
Socialize It Bar
Pop upwards contact Form
Related Post Widget below every post
Stylish Read More Widget
Extra floating header amongst menu
About the writer widget below post
Social Sharing Widget Below post etc.


SEO Optimized Blogger Template? Well, these were the about best SEO friendly blogger subject that looks cool inwards 2017. Most of subject Blogger themes are costless but looks similar premium temples too these are non exclusively User-Friendly but also AdSense Optimized Blogger themes too thus, AdSense Friendly too. Hope yous similar this article. So simply download this costless template too role inwards on your weblog too meet improvement inwards Search Engine Results.
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